Menopause treatment Miami Springs , FL - Balance Hormone Clinic

Understanding Menopause and Its Symptoms

The transition into menopause, medically referred to as perimenopause, starts for most women in their late 40s to early 50s. As the ovaries gradually make less of the hormones estrogen and progesterone, periods become less frequent and eventually stop completely. This marks the start of menopause.

On average, women reach menopause around age 51 in the United States. But it can happen earlier or later too. The changes leading up to menopause often last for several years. And menopause symptoms can begin years before the final period.

Common Symptoms

Many women experience symptoms from these natural hormonal shifts. Changes in estrogen and progesterone cause menstrual cycle and ovulation changes. But hormones also affect the brain, skin, bones, heart, blood vessels, and more. Menopause symptoms may include:

Not every woman gets every symptom, and their severity varies too. Lifestyle choices can worsen symptoms as well. Excess weight, smoking, high caffeine/alcohol intake, and high stress are common culprits. Genetics and ethnicity also play a role.

While menopause symptoms can significantly impact one's quality of life, the hormonal changes also increase long-term health risks like osteoporosis and heart disease. So it's important not to dismiss symptoms as just part of getting older. There are effective treatment options available.

Our services

Hormone Therapy Benefits and Options

Restoring Hormonal Balance

Hormone therapy (HT) helps relieve bothersome menopause symptoms. Estrogen therapy may be used alone if a woman has had her uterus/ovaries surgically removed (no progesterone needed). Otherwise, progestogen is used too to prevent uterine cancer risk from unopposed estrogen.

But HT offers health benefits beyond symptom relief when started close to menopause. Estrogen helps maintain bone mineral density and reduce fracture risk. Early HT may also help reduce heart disease risk in some women.

The goal is restoring hormonal balance, not ramping up estrogen/progesterone back to premenopausal levels. The lowest effective dose is used to relieve symptoms. We can continually adjust the therapy to each woman's changing needs.

Estrogen Formulations

There are many FDA-approved estrogen preparations:

Systemic estrogen therapy treats whole-body symptoms, while vaginal preparations mainly improve urogenital health. We can utilize both for a comprehensive approach.

Progestogen Options

When the uterus is still present, progestogen must be given with systemic estrogen to prevent overgrowth of the uterine lining. Taking progestogen at least 12 days per month eliminates this cancer risk. Choices include:

Progestogen often improves breast fullness. But some women experience side effects like fluid retention, headache, or mood changes. Adjusting the dose/formulation usually helps minimize such issues.

Bioidentical Hormone Therapy

So-called "bioidentical hormones" refer to estrogen/progesterone derived from plant sources that are chemically similar to human hormones. They are often promoted as more natural alternatives with fewer risks.

In truth, bioidentical hormones have largely unknown safety profiles compared to approved therapies. There are also no high-quality studies showing added health benefits over conventional hormone preparations.

Here at Balance Hormone Clinic, we offer a variety of evidence-based hormone therapies tailored to each woman's needs and preferences. We stay up-to-date on the latest research to provide the most effective treatments using correctly balanced hormone combinations.

Take control of your menopause symptoms today!

Lifestyle Recommendations for Menopause

Adjusting one's lifestyle can meaningfully improve menopausal symptoms and long-term health. Key steps include:

Quit Smoking and Limit Alcohol

Smoking worsens hot flashes. It also speeds up loss of bone density. Heavy alcohol use increases risks for osteoporosis and heart disease.

Manage Stress Through Relaxation

techniques like yoga, mindfulness meditation, and deep breathing. Stress fuels multiple menopausal symptoms. Carving out daily relaxation helps greatly.

Adopt Heart-Healthy Eating Habits

Choose a Mediterranean style diet with lots of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, fish and healthy oils like olive oil. Limit red meat, salt and added sugars. Meet daily calcium needs through food and supplements.

Increase Physical Activity

Weight-bearing and muscle-strengthening exercise helps maintain bone strength while combating fat gain and boosting energy. Aim for at least 30 minutes per day of moderate activity. Local parks, trails, gyms and studios offer many options.

Getting Tested and Starting Treatment

Balance Hormone Clinic provides comprehensive menopause care and hormone therapy for women in Miami Springs and surrounding areas. We guide women through every aspect of this transition- from pinpointing bothersome symptoms to developing personalized treatment plans.

Diagnostic Lab Testing

We use advanced diagnostic testing to identify any hormone imbalances contributing to symptoms:

Understanding a woman's baseline hormone profile allows us to create customized therapies using the optimal preparations and doses.

Seamless Treatment Initiation

Starting hormone therapy is quick and convenient at Balance Hormone Clinic. After an initial consultation, we:

  1. Verify insurance coverage for therapy
  2. Obtain necessary authorizations
  3. Coordinate on-site blood draws
  4. Provide clinic samples of medications
  5. Schedule follow-ups & lab rechecks

We simplify the process so patients can rapidly experience the many benefits of properly balanced hormones.

Ongoing Monitoring and Support

Menopausal hormone needs change over time, so we closely track patient response through:

We partner with patients throughout the menopause transition and beyond to continually optimize therapy.

Interesting fact

Studies have found that mindfulness techniques like meditation and yoga can significantly reduce menopausal symptoms like hot flashes. These mind-body practices are thought to work by lowering stress hormones and promoting relaxation, offering women a drug-free way to find relief during this transition.

Balance Hormone Clinic Menopause Center of Excellence

Our dedicated menopause clinic provides personalized care in a comfortable, female-focused setting. We help women understand what to expect during the transition and how to navigate changes using the best available treatments.

Our Expert Team

Our multidisciplinary team includes:

We provide integrated care addressing the many facets of menopause- physical, hormonal, emotional, and nutritional. Patients see familiar faces at each visit to build trusting relationships.

Cutting-Edge Therapies

We offer the latest evidence-based hormone formulations and delivery methods- oral tablets, transdermal patches/gels, vaginal rings/suppositories, bioidentical preparations, and long-acting injections. This allows true customization for each patient's preferences and needs.

We also provide innovative non-hormonal therapies like prescription neurokinin-1 inhibitors to prevent debilitating hot flashes.

Convenient Miami Springs Location

Our specialized clinic is located right in Miami Springs. We created a peaceful setting to discuss sensitive topics and perform procedures like blood draws. It features:

Balance Hormone Clinic stands ready to guide Miami Springs women through the changes of midlife and beyond via personalized, proactive treatment plans. We empower patients with the knowledge and therapies needed to thrive during the menopausal transition.

Take action and explore treatment options now!

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